Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Globalisation Of McDonalds Essay Example For Students
Globalization Of McDonalds Essay Around seven months back, I met an American person who had shown up at New Zealand only a couple of days prior. While trading oursentiments (I am from Japan) on New Zealand and its way of life, the person revealed to me how he was astonished to see the nation is soAmericanised, referencing McDonalds as one of the models. Presently, from an alternate point of view, this was amazing to me, as well. I hadnever had the possibility that having McDonalds is being Americanised. Truth be told, McDonalds is almost wherever on the planet so thatmany individuals think it has just become piece of their own societies. In any case, at that point the inquiry emerges: How did this come to be thecase? Here is a short framework of its history (in light of Hebert, 1997; McDonalds Corp., 1997; Mclennan, 1996). HistoryIn 1937, McDonalds was established as a little neighborhood eatery by two siblings, Maurice and Richard McDonald in Pasadena,California. In 1948, the siblings at that point changed over the ir grill drive-in with vehicle jumps into restricted menu, self-administration drive-in, inSan Bernardino, California the principal appearance of snappy help eatery industry. It is in April 1955, be that as it may, that the realMcDonalds Corporation propelled, by a sales rep called Ray Kroc, who increased selective US diversifying rights from thebrothers. Beginning with Des Plaines, Illinois, McDonalds quickly expanded its outlets first over the Chicago territory, at that point the US andeventually everywhere throughout the world, remembering two biggest eateries for Moscow (1990) and Beijing (1992), both with 700 seats. Thereare at present more than 21,000 cafés in excess of 100 nations (and around 100 in New Zealand), and the multi year-endsystemwide deals arrived at 31.812 billion dollars, 59 percent of which originated from the outside of the US. McDonaldizationThe overall business of McDonalds isn't only a globalization of its economy. In his book, The McDonaldization of Socie ty,the American humanist Dr. George Ritzer (1993, refered to by Allan, 1997) fights that it additionally speaks to the procedure ofrationalisation the ace idea of Max Webers examination of present day free enterprise, alluding to an assortment of related processesby which each part of human activity got subject to count, estimation and control (Abercrombie, Hill Turner,1988, p.902, refered to by Allan, 1997). As indicated by Ritzer, McDonaldization can be comprehended as far as the accompanying viewpoints: (1) Efficiency: To accomplish a particular reason, individuals will in general lean toward the way that amplifies the speed and limits the expense. Nonetheless, in numerous circles of society, such effectiveness is characterized for the business or business, and individuals arenevertheless persuaded that it is valuable to themselves (Allan, 1997; Keel, 1997). A few models incorporate, ATM, self-servicepetrol, or all the more as of late, we started to serve drinks for ourselves in certain drive-through joints. (2) Calculability: This is the accentuation of the thought that the more, the better, just as the quicker, the better (Allan, 1997; Keel,1997). That is, amount and briskness are regularly adjusted with quality. For example, numerous individuals are inclined to assess items interms of the amount they sold inside what timeframe, regardless of whether they be CDs, movies, vehicles, or even vacation destinations. Or there will be consequences, asfor cheap food, things like Extra Value Meals or Big Crunch (or Tower) Burger Combo are continually offered, and they truly doplease most clients. (3) Predictability: Society is increas ingly organized and sorted out so individuals can foresee what will occur in particularsituations with sensible exactness (Allan, 1997; Keel, 1997). Individuals expect indistinguishable methods and tastes from last time inrestaurants, or appreciate spin-offs of films, computer games, TV arrangement and so forth with which they had wonderful experience previously. .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df , .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df .postImageUrl , .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df , .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df:hover , .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df:visited , .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df:active { border:0!important; } .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df:active , .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df:hover { obscurity: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enhancement: underline; } .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-design: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/basic arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b9 3df .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ue5ed66310af1f6a461dfab68752b93df:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: 13. Were The Elizabethans More Bloodthirsty Or Tolerant Of EssayBuildings are built into comparable design with comparative adornments. (4) Control: Uncertainty, unusualness and wastefulness get disposed of from any justifying frameworks, and that is especiallymanifested by the replacement of non-human for human innovation (Allan, 1997; Keel, 1997). By this implies, individuals have less tothink and work all alone, yet simultaneously, less authority over their own activities. For instance, representatives just need to followthe guidelines and press the catches in inexpensive food shops; grocery stores have supplanted old registers with scanner s; automaticoperation of trains is getting predominant, etc. Once more, these are not for the interests of representatives or clients, yet forthose of businesses. At long last, Ritzer brings up that this legitimization, or McDonaldization, much of the time yields, in actuality, rather nonsensical results(Allan, 1997; Keel, 1997). Most explicitly, unreasonableness implies that sane frameworks are preposterous frameworks. I mean thatthey deny the essential humankind, the human explanation, of the individuals who work inside or are served by them(Ritzer, 1994, p.154, refered to by Keel, 1997). All things considered, individuals make long lines to get cheap food that is loaded with fat, cholesterol, sodium and other undesirable fixings, and thentake the difficulty to dump the trash rather than the laborers, which thusly turns into a wellspring of contamination of the naturalenvironment. What's more, this madness isn't kept to inexpensive food industry; McDonalds is just a representation that embodies the wholeprocesses of legitimization, as has just been noted. My Personal RantSince I am not a human science significant understudy, my comprehension of McDonaldization may not be exact, and I positively don't havea piece of information on whether such marvels are fortunate or unfortunate. In any case, the point I need to make here is clear: Our social orders are increasinglyreigned by worldwide measures, which significantly influence the manner in which we think, process data, and communicate with others. (Indeed, I knowthis is a sort of clich in brain research.) Without uncer tainty, McDonalds and its thoughts characterize some portion of our lives, and across societies, wedefinitely share certain shared traits, both tangibly and mentally. The main worry that remaining parts, in any case, is the factthat the normalization is commonly founded on the design favored by the individuals who are socially princely or socially predominant. In thisregard, the equivalent is valid for the web framework. Without a doubt, this innovation is a progressive device that not just expels boundariesfrom the domains of our social collaborations, yet additionally drives further the capability of human psychological turn of events. Nonetheless,information found on the net is the result of individuals who approach PCs, with inescapable impression of their ownpersonal or social perspectives.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Marketing research and market evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Promoting examination and market assessment - Essay Example An online center gathering is one kind of research technique, especially falling under center gatherings which utilizes the web, along these lines individuals don't meet genuinely yet can trade thoughts and chat through conferencing programming (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.). Specifically, this is the manner by which it is done: An arbitrator welcomes prescreened, qualified respondents who speak to the objective important to sign on to conferencing programming at a pre-organized time and to partake in an online center gathering. A few specialists will offer motivations for participatingbut this brings up various moral issues. Conversations by and large most recent one hour to an hour and a half. The mediator controls the conversation utilizing a mix of foreordained inquiries and unscripted tests. In the best conversations, similarly as with up close and personal gatherings, respondents collaborate with one another just as the mediator continuously to create further bits of knowledge about the theme (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.). Some consider online center gathering as a forward leap in directing statistical surveying and is seen as a viable method to lead the select gatherings to a more top to bottom conversation about the subject close by (BioInformatics, LLC ). This is so as the two customers and respondent members can easily take part from their own office or home. This at that point takes into account a more noteworthy number of members and expands the geographic extent of potential members around the world (Insights Online). Online center gathering is a generally better approach for directing statistical surveying. It is one of the advancements brought by an expansion in the utilization of innovation. The online center gathering apparently is an option in contrast to the customary vis-Ã -vis center gathering accomplished for a similar reason for statistical surveying. Online center gatherings are proper for buyer explore, business to business inquire about and political research. Communicating over the web stays away from a lot of movement cost. It permits respondents from everywhere throughout the world to accumulate, electronically for an increasingly agent test. Regularly respondents open up more online than they would face to face, which is important for delicate subjects. Like face to face center gatherings, online gatherings are normally constrained to 8-10 members (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.). Fundamentally the approach watched is this: customers can watch the center gathering while it is in meeting. They can likewise speak with the arbitrator; in this way can impact the heading to which the conversation leads without fundamentally interfering with the meeting. Since members type their own reactions, there is no room interpretation mistakes are totally maintained a strategic distance from. (Bits of knowledge Online). Online Focus Groups are directed in the accompanying bit by bit process: 1. Create screener and conversation manage. 2. Program screener into HTML/CGI design. (in the event that neccessary) 3. Screen/enlist members for wanted capabilities. (in the event that neccessary) 4. Moderate the Online Focus Group meeting with customer onlookers. 5. Give transcript. (regularly inside 24 hours after gathering meeting) 6. Give topline report. (regularly inside multi week in the wake of shutting overview) 7. Arrange last composed or oral introduction. Source: Insights Online Some view online center gathering as invaluable contrasted with the more conventional statistical surveying strategies. In synopsis, online center gathering has the accompanying focal points: Reactions are progressively objective. Respondents taking an interest in online core interest
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
How to Forgive Your Spouse and Let Go
How to Forgive Your Spouse and Let Go Relationships Spouses & Partners Print How to Practice Forgiveness in Marriage Learning to Let Go After Betrayal or Hurt By Sheri Stritof Sheri Stritof has written about marriage and relationships for 20 years. Shes the co-author of The Everything Great Marriage Book. Learn about our editorial policy Sheri Stritof Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on October 23, 2019 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW Updated on October 29, 2019 Verywell / JR Bee More in Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems LGBTQ Violence and Abuse Being able to forgive and to let go of past hurts is a critical tool in marriage. Additionally, being able to forgive is a way to keep yourself healthy both emotionally and physically. In fact, forgiving and letting go may be one of the most important ways to keep you and your marriage going strong. Some transgressions are so harmful that a marriage cant survive, but forgiveness can still play a role. Health Benefits of Forgiveness If you hold onto old hurts, disappointments, petty annoyances, betrayals, insensitivity, and anger, you are wasting both your time and your energy. Nursing your hurt (whether real or perceived) for too long can eventually make it turn into something moreâ"hate and extreme bitterness. Lack of forgiveness can also wear you down. Being unforgiving takes both a physical and mental toll. Resentment gains momentum and chips away at the foundation of your well-being and your relationship. In fact, health experts at Johns Hopkins report that the act of forgiveness can reduce the risk of heart attack, lower cholesterol levels, improve sleep, reduce pain, lower your blood pressure, and decrease levels of anxiety, depression, and stress. Studies have also suggested that forgiveness provides substantial benefits.?? 3 Reasons Why Forgiveness Is Good for You How to Forgive a Partner Who Hurt You There are different techniques you can use to find a place of forgiveness when you have experienced betrayal. Consider each method and find the combination that works best for you. The hurt you have suffered may make a difference. Certainly, it is more difficult to forgive a spouse for years of infidelity than it is for a minor mistake such as forgetting to pay a bill on time. Try to be patient with yourself as you experiment with different strategies. Be open and receptive to forgiveness.Make a conscious decision to forgive your spouse.When images of the betrayal or hurt flash in your mind, think of a calming place or do something to distract yourself from dwelling on those thoughts.Dont throw an error or mistake back in your spouses face at a later date; dont use it as ammunition in an argument.Dont seek revenge or retribution; trying to get even will only extend the pain and chances are good that this wont really make you feel better anyway.Accept that you may never know the reason for the transgression, behavior, or mistake.Remember that forgiveness does not mean that you condone the hurtful behavior.Be patient with yourself. Being able to forgive your spouse takes time. Dont try to hurry the process.If you are still unable to forgive, or you find yourself dwelling on the betrayal or hurt, please seek professional counseling to help you let go and forgive. 5 Effective Strategies to Forgive Others and Move On How to Ask for Forgiveness If you are the partner who has caused hurt, you can ask for forgiveness in an effort to rebuild trust in the relationship. Remember to give yourself and your partner time when working through the process. Show true contrition and remorse for the pain that youve caused.Be willing to make a commitment to not hurt your partner again by repeating the hurtful behavior.Accept the consequences of the action that created the hurt.Be open to making amends.Be patient with your partner. Being able to forgive you often takes time. Dont dismiss your spouses feelings of betrayal by telling them to get over it.Make a heartfelt and verbal apology; this includes a plan of action to make things right. Forgiveness in Marriage Marriage, like other close relationships, needs forgiveness to thrive. Remember that everyone makes mistakes. We all have bad or grumpy days. Most of us say things we dont mean now and then. Everyone needs to forgive and to be forgiven. This is especially true if the person who hurt you is attempting to make amends and seek forgiveness; its more difficult if your partner is not remorseful. But even then, you may find value in offering forgiveness. No healthy relationship, especially a marriage, can be sustained over a long period of time without forgiveness.?? But remember that forgiveness isnt absolution. Its a conscious decision and a practice of releasing feelings of resentment. Forgiveness can provide you and your partner with the tools to process and move on. Even though you may find it find it difficult, being able to forgive is crucial for the long haul. When Forgiveness Is Not Enough If your spouse abuses you, continues to betray or lie to you, or makes no real effort to change their behavior, then it may be time to say enough is enough. This behavior calls for you to seriously evaluate your marriage. When there is enough evidence that these major concerns are not going away, despite your effort to forgive, it may be time to think about separation or divorce. According to psychiatrist Karen Swartz, MD, forgiveness does not always mean reconciliation. Having a relationship with someone in the future is about whether they are reliable and dependable and trustworthy. Sometimes trust is broken in such a way that reconciliation isnt in your best interest.?? In situations where there was an extended period of abuse or betrayal, but it is no longer occurring, forgiveness for the past hurt may take longer, and that is OK. You both must be open to talking about it and continuing to process it. Your process might even include seeking guidance from a licensed professional counselor or other mental health professional. The 6 Best Online Marriage Counseling Programs
Saturday, May 23, 2020
History of Rollerblades and Inventors Who Invented Rollerblades
Believe it or not, the idea for roller blades came before roller skates. In-line skates were created in the early 1700s when a Dutchman attached wooden spools to strips of wood and nailed them to his shoes. In 1863, an American developed the conventional rollerskate model, with the wheels positioned side by side, and it became the skate of choice. Scott and Brennan Olsen Invent Rollerblades In 1980, Scott and Brennan Olsen, two Minnesota brothers,à discovered an older in-line skate in a sporting goods store and thought the design would be perfect for off-season hockey training. They improved the skate on their own and soon were manufacturing the first Rollerblade in-line skates in their parentsââ¬â¢ basement. Hockey players and alpine and Nordic skiers quickly caught on and were seen cruising the streets of Minnesota during the summer on their Rollerblade skates. Rollerblade Becomes a Generic Name Over time, strategic marketing efforts thrust the brand nameà into public awareness. Skating enthusiasts began using Rollerblade as a generic term for all in-line skates, putting the trademark in jeopardy. Today 60 in-line skate manufacturers exist, but Rollerblade is credited with introducing the first polyurethane boot and wheels, the first heel brakesà and the development of Active Brake Technology (ABT), which makes stopping easier to learn and to control. Rollerblade has approximately 200 patents and 116 registered trademarks. Timeline of Rollerblades 1983 - Scott Olson founded Rollerblade, Inc. and the term rollerblading meant the sport of in-line skating because Rollerblade, Inc. was the only manufacturer of in-line skates for a long time. Still, the first mass-produced rollerblades, while innovative, had some design flaws. They were difficult to put on, adjust and prone to collecting dirt and moisture in the ball-bearings. The wheels were also easily damaged and the brakes came from the old roller skate toe-brake and were not very effective. The Olson brothersà eventually sold Rollerblade, Inc. and the new owners had the funds to really improve the design. The first massively successful Rollerblade skate was the Lightning TRS. In this pair of skates, the flaws had vanished, fiberglass was used to produce the frames, the wheels were better protected, the skates were easier to put on and adjust and stronger brakes were placed at the rear. With the success of the Lightning TRS, other in-line skate companies appeared, such as Ult ra Wheels, Oxygen, K2, and others.1989 - Rollerblade, Inc. produced the Macro and Aeroblades models, the first skates fastened with three buckles instead of long laces that needed threading.1990 - Rollerblade, Inc. switched to a glass-reinforced thermoplastic resin (durethane polyamide) for their skates, replacing the polyurethane compoundsà used previously. This decreased the average weight of skates by nearly 50 percent.1993 - Rollerblade, Inc. developed ABT or Active Brake Technology. A fiberglass post, attached at one end to the top of the boot and at the other end to a rubber-brake, hinged the chassis at the back wheel. The skater had to straighten one leg to stop, driving the post into the brake, which then hit the ground. Before ABT, skaters had been tilting their foot back to make contact with the ground. The new brake design increased safety.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald - 1592 Words
The classic novel The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald gained much fame and phenomenon which caused screenwriters to adapt it to a screenplay. With much success the screenplay was recreated twice. Despite having a similar story line, each movie had its own particular aspects, as both directors tried to capture their ideas and convey their thoughts in a variety of ways. While most people preferred screenwriter Francis Ford Coppolaââ¬â¢s 1974, version as a more accurate description of the novel; itââ¬â¢s important to take into account how accurate the roles of the characters are portrayed. Baz Luhrmannââ¬â¢s version of The Great Gatsby clearly and distinctively conveyed the characters true self. The 2013, adaptation of The Great Gatsby screenplay written by Baz Luhrmann most accurately depicts the roles of the main characters as described in Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s novel. In Luhrmannââ¬â¢s 2013 film, Gatsbyââ¬â¢s true identity was revealed within his smile. At the beginning of the novel, Gatsby was known as being the mysterious man who throws lavish and wild parties. Although his entertaining includes vast amounts of guest, none of these relations were personal enough to know his personality. These false relationships caused his guests to make assumptions and spread rumors about his life and how he attained his money. Not until the evening of one of Gatsbyââ¬â¢s numerous parties was his true personality shown. As things wound down, Nick and Jordan accompanied a man and ââ¬Å"a rowdy little girlâ⬠at a tableShow MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald1393 Words à |à 6 PagesF. Scott Fitzgerald was the model of the American image in the nineteen twenties. He had wealth, fame, a beautiful wife, and an adorable daughter; all seemed perfect. Beneath the gilded faà §ade, however, was an author who struggled with domestic and p hysical difficulties that plagued his personal life and career throughout its short span. This author helped to launch the theme that is so prevalent in his work; the human instinct to yearn for more, into the forefront of American literature, where itRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1343 Words à |à 6 PagesHonors English 10 Shugart 18 Decemeber 2014 The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald s 1925 novel The Great Gatsby is a tragic love story, a mystery, and a social commentary on American life. The Great Gatsby is about the lives of four wealthy characters observed by the narrator, Nick Carroway. Throughout the novel a mysterious man named Jay Gatsby throws immaculate parties every Saturday night in hope to impress his lost lover, Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby lives in a mansion on West Egg across from DaisyRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1155 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Great Gatsby The Jazz Age was an era where everything and anything seemed possible. It started with the beginning of a new age with America coming out of World War I as the most powerful nation in the world (Novel reflections on, 2007). As a result, the nation soon faced a culture-shock of material prosperity during the 1920ââ¬â¢s. Also known as the ââ¬Å"roaring twentiesâ⬠, it was a time where life consisted of prodigality and extravagant parties. Writing based on his personal experiences, author F. ScottRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1166 Words à |à 5 Pagesin the Haze F. Scott Fitzgerald lived in a time that was characterized by an unbelievable lack of substance. After the tragedy and horrors of WWI, people were focused on anything that they could that would distract from the emptiness that had swallowed them. Tangible greed tied with extreme materialism left many, by the end of this time period, disenchanted. The usage of the literary theories of both Biographical and Historical lenses provide a unique interpretation of the Great Gatsby centered aroundRead MoreThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald845 Words à |à 3 PagesIn F. Scott Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s novel, The Great Gatsby, colors represent a variety of symbols that relate back to the American Dream. The dream of being pure, innocent and perfect is frequently associated with the reality of corruption, violence, and affairs. Gatsbyââ¬â¢s desire for achieving the American Dream is sought for through corruption (Schneider). The American Dream in the 1920s was perceived as a desire of w ealth and social standings. Social class is represented through the East Egg, the WestRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay970 Words à |à 4 Pagesrespecting and valuing Fitzgerald work in the twenty-first century? Fitzgerald had a hard time to profiting from his writing, but he was not successful after his first novel. There are three major point of this essay are: the background history of Fitzgerald life, the comparisons between Fitzgerald and the Gatsby from his number one book in America The Great Gatsby, and the Fitzgerald got influences of behind the writing and being a writer. From childhood to adulthood, Fitzgerald faced many good andRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald2099 Words à |à 9 Pagesauthor to mirror his life in his book. In his previous novels F. Scott Fitzgerald drew from his life experiences. He said that his next novel, The Great Gatsby, would be different. He said, ââ¬Å"In my new novel Iââ¬â¢m thrown directly on purely creative workâ⬠(F. Scott Fitzgerald). He did not realize or did not want it to appear that he was taking his own story and intertwining it within his new novel. In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, he imitates his lifestyle through the Buchanan family to demonstrateRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1607 Words à |à 7 Pages The Great Gatsby is an American novel written in 1925 by F. Scott Fitzgerald. One of the themes of the book is the American Dream. The American Dream is an idea in which Americans believe through hard work they can achieve success and prosperity in the free world. In F. Scott Fitzgerald s novel, The Great Gatsby, the American Dream leads to popularity, extreme jealousy and false happiness. Jay Gatsbyââ¬â¢s recent fortune and wealthiness helped him earn a high social position and become one of the mostRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1592 Words à |à 7 PagesMcGowan English 11A, Period 4 9 January 2014 The Great Gatsby Individuals who approach life with an optimistic mindset generally have their goals established as their main priority. Driven by ambition, they are determined to fulfill their desires; without reluctance. These strong-minded individuals refuse to be influenced by negative reinforcements, and rely on hope in order to achieve their dreams. As a man of persistence, the wealthy Jay Gatsby continuously strives to reclaim the love of hisRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1646 Words à |à 7 PagesThe 1920s witnessed the death of the American Dream, a message immortalized in F. Scott Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s The Great Gatsby. Initially, the American Dream represented the outcome of American ideals, that everyone has the freedom and opportunity to achieve their dreams provided they perform honest hard work. During the 1920s, the United States experienced massive economic prosperity making the American Dream seem alive and strong. However, in Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s eyes, the new Am erican culture build around that The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald - 1592 Words Karen Morgan Ms. McGowan English 11A, Period 4 9 January 2014 The Great Gatsby Individuals who approach life with an optimistic mindset generally have their goals established as their main priority. Driven by ambition, they are determined to fulfill their desires; without reluctance. These strong-minded individuals refuse to be influenced by negative reinforcements, and rely on hope in order to achieve their dreams. As a man of persistence, the wealthy Jay Gatsby continuously strives to reclaim the love of his life, Daisy Buchanan. Throughout the novel The Great Gatsby, Jay makes a substantial amount of effort to impress, and persuade Daisy to be reacquainted once again. Providing that, F. Scott Fitzgerald associates Daisy as Gatsbyââ¬â¢s green light. Fitzgerald represents the green light in Gatsbyââ¬â¢s life as a significant role to The Great Gatsby. In the novel The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsbyââ¬â¢s green light symbolizes his undying passion for an idealistic goal that he aspires to accomplish; his green light indicates how he uses his wealth in order to acquire his desire, it also represents his American Dream. Even after five years without Daisy beside him, Jay Gatsby is still willing to pursue his green light; in spite of his love for her. Time and time again, Gatsby repeatedly insists that he will recreate the past with Daisy and always states he will, â⬠Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before usâ⬠(Fitzgerald 189). Until theShow MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald1393 Words à |à 6 PagesF. Scott Fitzgerald was the model of the American image in the nineteen twenties. He had wealth, fame, a beautiful wife, and an adorable daughter; all seemed perfect. Beneath the gilded faà §ade, however, was an author who struggled with domestic and physical difficulties that plagued his personal life and career throughout its short span. This author helped to launch the theme that is so prevalent in his work; the human instinct to yearn for more, i nto the forefront of American literature, where itRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1343 Words à |à 6 PagesHonors English 10 Shugart 18 Decemeber 2014 The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald s 1925 novel The Great Gatsby is a tragic love story, a mystery, and a social commentary on American life. The Great Gatsby is about the lives of four wealthy characters observed by the narrator, Nick Carroway. Throughout the novel a mysterious man named Jay Gatsby throws immaculate parties every Saturday night in hope to impress his lost lover, Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby lives in a mansion on West Egg across from DaisyRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1155 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Great Gatsby The Jazz Age was an era where everything and anything seemed possible. It started with the beginning of a new age with America coming out of World War I as the most powerful nation in the world (Novel reflections on, 2007). As a result, the nation soon faced a culture-shock of material prosperity during the 1920ââ¬â¢s. Also known as the ââ¬Å"roaring twentiesâ⬠, it was a time where life consisted of prodigality and extravagant parties. Writing based on his personal experiences, author F. ScottRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1166 Words à |à 5 Pagesin the Haze F. Scott Fitzgerald lived in a time that was characterized by an unbelievable lack of substance. After the tragedy and horrors of WWI, people were focused on anything that they could that would distract from the emptiness that had swallowed them. Tangible greed tied with extreme materialism left many, by the end of this time period, disenchanted. The usage of the literary theories of both Biographical and Historical lenses provide a unique interpretation of the Great Gatsby centered aroundRead MoreThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald845 Words à |à 3 PagesIn F. Scott Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s novel, The Great Gatsby, colors represent a variety of symbols that relate back to the American Dream. The dream of being pure, innocent and perfect is frequently associated with the reality of corruption, violence, and affairs. Gatsbyââ¬â¢s desire for achieving the American Dream is sought for through corruption (Schneider). The American Dream in the 1920s was perceived as a desire of w ealth and social standings. Social class is represented through the East Egg, the WestRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay970 Words à |à 4 Pagesrespecting and valuing Fitzgerald work in the twenty-first century? Fitzgerald had a hard time to profiting from his writing, but he was not successful after his first novel. There are three major point of this essay are: the background history of Fitzgerald life, the comparisons between Fitzgerald and the Gatsby from his number one book in America The Great Gatsby, and the Fitzgerald got influences of behind the writing and being a writer. From childhood to adulthood, Fitzgerald faced many good andRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald2099 Words à |à 9 Pagesauthor to mirror his life in his book. In his previous novels F. Scott Fitzgerald drew from his life experiences. He said that his next novel, The Great Gatsby, would be different. He said, ââ¬Å"In my new novel Iââ¬â¢m thrown directly on purely creative workâ⬠(F. Scott Fitzgerald). He did not realize or did not want it to appear that he was taking his own story and intertwining it within his new novel. In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, he imitates his lifestyle through the Buchanan family to demonstrateRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1607 Words à |à 7 Pages The Great Gatsby is an American novel written in 1925 by F. Scott Fitzgerald. One of the themes of the book is the American Dream. The American Dream is an idea in which Americans believe through hard work they can achieve success and prosperity in the free world. In F. Scott Fitzgerald s novel, The Great Gatsby, the American Dream leads to popularity, extreme jealousy and false happiness. Jay Gatsbyââ¬â¢s recent fortune and wealthiness helped him earn a high social position and become one of the mostRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1646 Words à |à 7 PagesThe 1920s witnessed the death of the American Dream, a m essage immortalized in F. Scott Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s The Great Gatsby. Initially, the American Dream represented the outcome of American ideals, that everyone has the freedom and opportunity to achieve their dreams provided they perform honest hard work. During the 1920s, the United States experienced massive economic prosperity making the American Dream seem alive and strong. However, in Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s eyes, the new American culture build around thatRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald992 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Jazz Age was a period of great economic, social, and political change happening in the 1920ââ¬â¢s. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, however, sees in this a time of boundaryless death, and urban decimation. The Great Gatsby is modeled towards the death of the American dream during the 1920ââ¬â¢s. Based on the happening of the 1920ââ¬â¢s, this model is certainly reasonable. F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby use the motifs of materiali sm, carelessness, and decay seen in the 1920ââ¬â¢s in order to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Uniform of German SS Soldiers Free Essays
Baggy, and they had high goth like boots except withut the buckles, andthere top had a swastika on one of the sleeves. The German uniforms varied in color and style. By Also on the tunic was Edelweiss Pirates an Iron Eagle Just above the left breast pocket. We will write a custom essay sample on Uniform of German SS Soldiers or any similar topic only for you Order Now hey would gather together and act in a manner that they would know would anger the local Nazi leaders. Whereas the Nazi Party required Hitler Youth members to wear a uniform that was semi-military, Edelweiss members wore more bohemian lothing, knowing that it would anger the powers-that-be. They also sang songs that the Nazis had banned and played music that was also banned, such as Jazz and blues tunes. They created areas within a town or city where members of the Hitler Youth were not tolerated. At no stage were they ever a danger to the Nazi regime and for years they were seen as nothing more than a youthful irritant ââ¬â youths going through that phase in their lives where rebellion (as they perceived it) was the order of the day. ey also offered a way of life outside of the strangulating Nazi regime. Between 1936 and September 1939, the Nazi authorities saw the Edelweiss Pirates as little more than a small-scale irritant. However, attitudes changed during World War Two when the authorities believed that the Edelweiss Pirates were responsible for collecting British anti-Nazi propaganda leaflets dropped by Bomber Command at the start of the war and posting them through letterboxes. This was seen as being more than Just an irritation; it was classed as blatant subversion. How to cite Uniform of German SS Soldiers, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Accounting for Research and Development Deals Activities
Question: Discuss about the Accounting for Research and Development Deals Activities. Answer: Introduction: The accounting for research and development deals with activities that improves the processes and product. The terms of research and development is used in the standard with the following meaning. Research is the planned and the original investigation, which is undertaken by the entity to gain technical and scientific knowledge and understanding. On the other hand, development is the application of the knowledge gained or using the finding from the research for producing improved or new product, processes, services and material. The development is undertaken prior to the commencement of the usage and commercial production. The activities encompassed in the research and development is difficult to identify (Barge-Gil Lpez, 2014). The definition provided assist the reporting entities in classifying their activities under the research and development. The distinction of the activities are based on the organization types, types of the project undertaken and the types of business. The medium sized firm had confusion about the formal definition of Research and development while the small firms understood the concept of R D in an informal way. The FRS 13 deals with the accounting for the activities related to the research and development. The activities related to research and development are distinguished from those activities that are non-research based because of the absence and presence of appreciable elements of innovation (Bebbington et al., 2014). Discussion: The core accounting rule in the area of research and development are the expenditures that is to be charged as an expense when incurred. The expenditure, which is incurred on research, is not directly related to the future economic benefits and capitalizing the cost that does not comply with the accrual concept. The expenditure related to the research, development is written off to the account of profit and loss, and this is because the expenditure on the research does not provide the entity with the direct future economic benefits. The expenditure on the development cost has to be written off as the expense incurred to the profit and loss account. However, there is the option of deferring the expenditure incurred in development and it can be carried out as the intangible assets on the entity meeting some criteria. The research and the development costs are need to be separated in order to achieve the reasonable degree of comparability between the accounting period of the same entity and between the entities (Bowen et al., 2013). Literature review on accounting for research and development: For sustaining the dynamic economy of New Zealand, the research and development is an important concept. The socio economic issues of New Zealand is addressed sing the accounting for R D. The literature review is provided on the expenses relating to R D. The harmonization in the accounting treatment of the research and development is unlikely to happen. The capitalization of R D has always remain a controversial issue. The revised International accounting standard 38 make the distinction between the development and the research phase. The expenditure of carrying out research should be treated as an expense (Deegan, 2013). A reporting entity cannot demonstrate during the research phase of the project that whether the intangible assets are capable of generating the probable future economic benefits or not. The expenditure on research should be recognize as expense and there is the need to recognize the assets arising from the research. The intangible assets needs to be recognized in the development phase if the entity is able to demonstrate the ability to sell or use the assets. The entity also needs to demonstrate the whether the intangible assets are technical feasible for using or selling purpose. The ability to measure the expenditure related to the development to of the intangible assets should also needs to be demonstrated. The treatment of research and accounting provides for the flexibility between the choice of capitalizing and expensing. As a result of which, the companies that are more leveraged are encouraged to activate their cost related to R D rather than expensing them. The managers are motivated to prevail such accounting decisions over the other. It is argued that the high debt level forces the company to capitalize on the expenditure of R D. The choice available to the company because of this decreases the debt ratio and increases the accounting profit. The firms are encouraged to make the accounting decisions that are income increasing (Daske et al., 2013). Implication of the present accounting profession and the commercial environment: The accounting for research and development has the implication on commercial environment in terms of the accountability initiatives. The development and the research makes the strategic focus rather than the university accounting and the professional curricula. The developments provide the platform for the wider interest of public and this improves the relevance of the information to enhance the process of decision-making. The various business leaders and the accounting profession has embraced different types of corporate reporting. This is known as the integrated reporting. The research and development would enrich the appreciation and understanding of the accounting academics of New Zealand for the achievements and efforts of the early builder sin the accounting field (Dinh et al., 2015). Past debate in relation to the issue: The basic issue concerning the accounting for research and development is the expenditure. The expenditure associated with the research and development is that there is no certainty in the future benefits and it makes it difficult to treat and record the expenditure as an asset. Because of this, the GAAP has made it mandatory to charge the expenditure as an expense incurred. However, this cannot be regarded as entirely pervasive as there are some limitations to it (Mynatt Schroeder, 2012). The current tax treatment about research and development is uncertain. The measures of taxation does not have anything to address the uncertainty. The uncertainty over the treatment of taxation of research and development is not addressed sing the current measures. The main area of concern is the revenue and capital R D expenditure. The ambiguity in the treatment of taxes comes from whether the cost are classified as capital or revenue. If the taxpayer has enduring benefit, then the cost is classified as expenditure and otherwise it is classified as the revenue expenditures. It is not clear in the tax law of New Zealand when the expenditure related to the R D is immediately deductible and when the expenditures are not immediately deductible. This comes with the risk of disputes that are potential in nature. This risk of disputes exist with the Inland Revenue. When the taxes are underpaid, this comes with the risk of use of money interest and penalties (Healy Palepu, 2012). The method of accrual accounting in New Zealand is faced with a number of issues. The reporting entity encounters with a number of issues when they intend to correctly identify the cost related to the research and development. The accounting treatment of the cost for the purpose of tax is also the major issue faced by the reporting entity. The financial reporting standard relies on the accounting treatment for the amortization of the development expenditure at the end of the process of research and development. Recent development: The development of the New Zealand equivalent to the IFRS for the purpose of application by the entities of New Zealand. This would also include references to the regulatory environment. The harmonization of the financial reporting standard by liaising with the Australian accounting standard Board. There are also new development in the business environment (www.ifrs.org, 2016). The tax rule concerning the research and development is about the cashing out off the losses from taxes. The companies building the service or product would make the expense until the development of the product and it will make losses until the revenue is being generated. The losses attributable to the development would be carried forward to the next year when the company starts making profit by selling the developed products. The changes allows the tax loss due to research and development to cash out their loss, which arises from the expenditure of the research, and development. The new development focuses on the newly started companies who are engaged in the intensive research and development. This is intended to reduce the exposure of the startups to the market failure and the distortion in the taxes, which arises for the treatment of the losses attributing from taxes in the current scenario (Kelsey, 2015). Expenditure accruing to certain types of expenditures are not included in the measurement and the cost that are claimed by the company must be related to the research and development. The cost might include office cost relating to R D, wages, salaries and the contractors cost. It also include the depreciation of the assets that are solely used for the purpose of research and development. The newly developed regime allows cash out losses. However, there are some limits imposed by the regime. The cost related to the research and development shall comprise of all the activities that are directly attributable to the activities undertaken under the research and development. The cost needs to be allocated to such activities on a reasonable basis. The research and development costs between the entities should be separated to make a reasonable degree of comparability. The distinction should be made between the development cost and research cost. The proposal is to address the uncertainty by clarifying the revenue or capital boundary. This is done by allowing the taxpayers to follow such accounting treatment where the expenditure related to the R D is immediately written off for accounting. This will immediately deducted for the taxation purpose. Any types of expenses incurred in undertaking and carrying out the research are deductible immediately for the taxation purpose. There are some criteria for the treatment of the expenditure on development and this decides whether it will be immediately deductible or not. This will provide the payers of taxes with more certainty and the result would be the fewer disputed between the Inland Revenue and the taxpayers. This will help the businesses to focus less on the tax affairs and enable them to concentrate on their businesses (Knechel et al., 2012). Future development: The adoption of International reporting standard in New Zealand has reassessed the role of financial reporting standard board (FRSB). The FRSB needs to add material, which would describe the applicability and the scope of the standard in New Zealand. Some of the arguments can be made about the future developments. Due to the cost incurred in the research and development, the economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity; therefore, it can be argued that rather than treating the cost as an expense, it should be treated as assets. This is so because it is align with the assets definition prescribed by the International accounting standard framework for the preparation and the presentation of the financial statements and with the statements of principles. There is a need to provide accountants in New Zealand with more information so that the situation is clarified. The development and the adoption to the international reporting standard will make possible the comparability and th e universality of the accounting treatment of the research and development internationally and regionally (Samkin Deegan, 2012). Regulatory environment: The accounting standard board of New Zealand issues the accounting standard in New Zealand. The profit entities reports under the International financial reporting standard (IFRS) of New Zealand. These are the standards developed by the accounting standard board of New Zealand. The External reporting board does the approval of these standards. The entities are adapting their financial function as per the standard to achieve the efficiency for long term and met the requirement of the standards. The entities, which are currently reporting under the old GAAP, will need to be adapt to the New Zealand International financial reporting standard. However, the International financial reporting standard of New Zealand and International financial reporting standard are different (Naranjo et al., 2015). The former also deals with the domestic standards and this deal with the areas that are not dealt under the IFRS. The transitional requirements of both the standard are different (Nobes 2014).The framework of accounting standard at the current scenario is implemented in three stages. In the first stage, the entities which mainly involves changes to the profit entities accounting standard. The second stage involves changes for public entities. Thirdly, the changes to the accounting standard of the profit and public entities. The companies that is the reporting entities are significantly affected by the accounting of the research and development. However, it is more confined to the entities engaged in the research and development. Conclusions: The purpose of the report is to provide the insight into the accounting for the research and development in New Zealand. There are some gaps as per the literature review. The analysis presented in the reports suggest that the financial reporting regime of the international accounting standard is viable and is an alternative to the existing financial regime of New Zealand. Adopting to the International Financial reporting standards would provide the country with the long-term net benefits. The country should adopt to the IFRS in a manner, which would preserve their commitment to such financial reporting standard, which is sector neutral for New Zealand. New Zealand should look forward to ensure the high standing in the long term and should not be complacent. The country can be an important contributor in the development of the internationally accepted financial reporting in the accounting of research and development. Reference: Barge-Gil, A., Lpez, A. (2014). RD determinants: Accounting for the differences between research and development.research Policy,43(9), 1634-1648. Bebbington, J., Unerman, J., O'Dwyer, B. (2014).Sustainability accounting and accountability. Routledge. Bowen, R. M., Jollineau, J., Margheim, L. (2013). Corporation's Intellectual Property: Accounting For Research And Development Under US GAAP Versus IFRS.Journal of Business Case Studies (Online),9(4), 321. Daske, H., Hail, L., Leuz, C., Verdi, R. (2013). Adopting a label: Heterogeneity in the economic consequences around IAS/IFRS adoptions.Journal of Accounting Research,51(3), 495-547. Deegan, C. (2013).Financial accounting theory. McGraw-Hill Education New Zealand. Dinh, T., Eierle, B., Schultze, W., Steeger, L. (2015). Research and development, uncertainty, and analysts forecasts: the case of IAS 38.Journal of International Financial Management Accounting,26(3), 257-293. Dinh, T., Kang, H., Schultze, W. (2015). Capitalizing Research Development: Signaling or Earnings Management?.European Accounting Review, 1-29. Healy, P. M., Palepu, K. G. (2012).Business Analysis Valuation: Using Financial Statements. Cengage Learning. IFRS - Home. (2016).Ifrs.org. Retrieved 6 November 2016, from https://www.ifrs.org/Pages/default.aspx International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). (2016).Iasplus.com. Retrieved 6 November 2016, from https://www.iasplus.com/en/resources/ifrsf/iasb-ifrs-ic/iasb Kelsey, J. (2015).The New Zealand experiment: A world model for structural adjustment?. Bridget Williams Books. Knechel, W. R., Sharma, D. S., Sharma, V. D. (2012). Non?audit services and knowledge spillovers: Evidence from New Zealand.Journal of Business Finance Accounting,39(1?2), 60-81. Mynatt, P. G., Schroeder, R. G. (2012). The comparative reporting impact of the FASB and IASB treatments of research and development expenditures.Journal of Business and Accounting,5(1), 50. Naranjo, P. L., Saavedra, D., Verdi, R. S. (2015). Financial reporting regulation and financing decisions.Available at SSRN 2147838. Nobes, C., (2014).International Classification of Financial Reporting 3e. Routledge. Reeve, J. M., Warren, C. S., Duchac, J. E., Du, X., Yu, Z. (2012).Principles of Accounting. South-Western Cengage Learning. Samkin, G., Deegan, C. (2012).New Zealand financial accounting. McGraw-Hill Education Australia.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
15 Quick Tips for a Better ACT Score
Until you actually hit that 36, thereââ¬â¢s always room to improve your ACT score. And there are so many ways to reach for that 36. Here are 15 quick tips for a better ACT score. Tip # 1: Take full practice tests You donââ¬â¢t really know the ACT until youââ¬â¢ve done a full practice run. You can take whole mock tests on the official ACT website, or through a reputable third-party company like Magoosh ACT. Tip # 2: Practice reading some charts and tables The ACT is big on visual literacy: the ability to read charts and tables. Youââ¬â¢ll find a lot of charts and tables in ACT Math. And these kinds of infographics really dominate ACT Science. So get in some practice reading with visually organized information. Tip # 3: Practice writing Put on your ââ¬Å"writerââ¬â¢s hat.â⬠Do some practice journaling, compose some emails, write on social media. And of course, take your high school writing assignments seriously. Do all you can to become an experienced writer so you can shine on the ACT Essay. Tip # 4: Look at some example ACT Essays One of the best ways to improve your writing is to look at example writing from others. So itââ¬â¢s a good idea to look at some model ACT Essays. If the model essay comes with a writing tutorial, like this ACT example essay does, all the better. Tip # 5: Be punctuation conscious Periods, commas, semi-colons, and so on are tiny marks. But they can have a big impact on your ACT score. ACT English focuses a lot on punctuation, and poor punctuation can also derail your ACT Essay. Tip # 6: Read like a critic ââ¬Å"Everyoneââ¬â¢s a critic,â⬠as they say. Join the bandwagon! When you read, really think about the decisions the writer made. What is the writer trying to say? Who is the writerââ¬â¢s intended audience? Did the writer do a truly good job? This kind of critical reading will help you in ACT Reading and ACT English. Tip # 7: Time your reading Youââ¬â¢ve got less than 9 minutes to go through an ACT Reading passage and answer 10 questions about the passage. This requires fast, efficient reading. Time your ACT Reading practice and make sure youââ¬â¢re inside the time limits. Tip # 8: Use reading strategies Learn how to look for content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) that help you understand the most important meaning in a passage. Tip # 9: Review some very basic science terms For ACT Science, you may need to know the names of common compounds (H2O, carbon, etcâ⬠¦), scientific names for well-known plants and animals, and common science vocabulary from high school textbooks. Brush up on those science basics. Tip # 10: On ACT Math, estimate! One of the great things about multiple choice math questions is that you donââ¬â¢t need to calculate the exact answer. In ACT Math, the exact answer is already there, among the answer choices. To get to the answer quickly, estimate rather than doing exact calculations. Tip # 11: Study the common ACT Math topics The math on the ACT falls into three broad categories: pre-algebra, algebra, and geometry. Within these categories are a number of other question types. You can go to the Magoosh High School Blog to read up on ACT Math topics. Tip # 12: Donââ¬â¢t lean on your calculator You can use a calculator in ACT Math. But excessive calculator use can actually hurt your score, slowing you down and causing you to make mistakes. Always use mental math on the ACT when possible. Tip # 13: Use multiple choice strategies With the exception of the ACT Essay, the ACT is a multiple choice test. And multiple choice questions should be approached with strategy. As you learn how to deal with ACT multiple choice, this article on ACT multiple choice strategy is a great place to start. Tip 14: Make a good study plan Treat your ACT target score as a long-term goal, one that you carefully plan for. Not sure how to lay out your study plan? No problem! This web page of possible ACT Study schedules can give you some ideas.Tip 15: Set the right test date The ACT is offered on fixed dates throughout the year. Look at a list ofthe 2017 and 2018 ACT test dates. The list also comes with advice on how to choose an ACT test date that meets your study needs.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Gut Feelings Feedback Example
Gut Feelings Feedback Example Gut Feelings Feedback ââ¬â Coursework Example Gut feelings feedback al affiliation: Due Intuition of a practitioner The article review has a succinct and detailed outlook of institution of a practitioner. The inclusion of how institutive assessment forms part of the diagnose process our conscience in decision-making. Subsequently, the clear difference between analytical data and intuitive assessment is important in my opinion. Explanation on the non-analytical institutive thinking also offers accessibility to intermediate thought, which offers a platform for complex reasoning. Most importantly, the inclusion of hypothesis for correct testing of knowledge. Certainly, this plays an important role towards development of experience and information gathering. Additionally, it is worthwhile bringing into perspective the rules that dominate the analysis, which induce specific diagnostic thought. Therefore, I believe this plays a significant role in the development of appropriate health service professionalism in the nursing industry. G ut feelingsIt is a non-contested fact that the analysis on gut feeling elevates knowledge to greater heights important for our professional field. The relationship between gut feeling and medical examination lays foundation for understanding of different phenomenon. Indeed, the inclusion of analytical and non-analytical understanding induces a balance in understanding not only behaviour of health professionals, but also other medical features. Additionally, the inclusion of cultural and psychosocial elements for analytical reasoning works from different perspectives in enhancing proper decision-making. In many cases, nurses are faced with tough decisions when caring for patients. The balance of power to adequately care and make intuitive judgments does great justice in justifying additional tests. It is also worth mentioning inclusion of important patient situations that advance exposure or experience. I strongly believe this plays an important role in enhancing proper diagnosis.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Which Disney cartoon works best as a musical and why Essay
Which Disney cartoon works best as a musical and why - Essay Example Cartoons inspire not only youngsters but also adults because of their eye-catching and entertainment giving quality. Many such cartoon movies are made historically that are quite inspiring for the viewers and Disney can be categorized as the most influential production company for making quality cartoon movies for the viewers. Walt Disney has created many such cartoon movies that have taken fairy tales as their stories. The cartoon movies, which take inspiration from fairy tales and use that content, are very liked because of their dream like qualities. In addition to the dream like quality, the cartoon movies also make use of songs that are quite stimulating for the audience. Walt Disney has produced many musical cartoon movies, which has gained appreciation from audience on the basis of their quality production and musical songs. Sleeping Beauty is one such musical cartoon movie produced by Walt Disney Pictures, which contains all the qualities of being the best among many other ca rtoon movies. According to my opinion, Sleeping Beauty is the best Disney cartoon movie and works best as a musical. In this paper, the cartoon movie Sleeping Beauty will be analyzed as to why it works as the best musical movie.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Martin Luther King (Business Ethics) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Martin Luther King (Business Ethics) - Essay Example In order to love enemies, it is better to focus only on their qualities rather than accepting their evils. The most excellent way that the speaker suggests to demonstrate oneââ¬â¢s love towards oneââ¬â¢s enemies is to skip the opportunity to defeat them. Furthermore, one should help enemies in the best way possible to overcome their difficulties. The idea of loving enemies is relevant to business field as well because modern business involves broad and collaborated knowledge sharing and problem solving. Traditional business was subject to personal management; and therefore, lacked integration and teamwork. In business, the practice of Kingââ¬â¢s idea of love for enemies can enhance business sustainability as the ââ¬Ëwin winââ¬â¢ approach would become a competitive approach to business firms. As far as I am concerned, the idea of loving enemies is not practical in normal way of thinking because immature feelings like jealousy and selfishness prevail over human nature th at persuade them to hate their enemies. This speech has influenced me to reshape my perceptions regarding the feeling of hatred towards the enemies. 2. Unfulfilled Dreams The speech, ââ¬ËUnfulfilled Dreamsââ¬â¢ by Martin Luther king is a subject of great significance in the life of every individual. As the speech says, it is natural for man to have his own dreams and struggle for attaining those dreams. Despite the determination and effort, most of the dreams remain unfulfilled. It says that one of the main reasons which impede the efforts is the inappropriate choices we make in our lives. The sincere efforts to dream fulfillment is likely to be rewarded by God and blessed with the required ability to fulfill it. The height of the dream and the obstacles associated with it do not matter when the aspiration derives from the depth of heart and efforts through the right path. In business also oneââ¬â¢s strong determination to fulfill the dreams and desires can be regarded as t he key to success. The paucity of strong willpower and divergence from predetermined strategies lead to business failure. As the time passes and situations turn unfavorable, the determination to fulfill dreams becomes feeble. The sparkling speech of Martin Luther King has imbued me a lot with new outlook towards life-goal and choices I would make in future. 3. A knock at midnight ââ¬ËA knock at Midnight is yet another motivational speech delivered by Martin Luther King in 1963. The speech had a social significance in the period during which he delivered it. The essence of the Kingââ¬â¢s speech is that mankind lives in midnight amidst various evils. He points that world nations fight each other in order to attain supremacy; and they use scientific achievements for the destruction of the whole world. In his opinion, the midnight night in the social life refers to retardation of the human values. He adds that the midnight will not continue for a long term; instead, there will be rather long hours of light. These words of King reflect his hope toward achieving social equity in America. New business ideologies of profit maximization have challenged all basic human values. Modern businesses employ every possible malpractice so as to achieve market dominance; and it often severely hurts all fundamental human interests. Therefore, it can be clearly conclude that the modern business world also is in darkness as it undermines human values. From my moral point of view, the cut-throat competition has weakened the
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Ethics In Computer Science Computer Science Essay
Ethics In Computer Science Computer Science Essay Information technology has revolutionized most aspects of our life. Information has altered significantly areas such as entertainment, commerce, medicine and employment. Information is affecting both positively and negatively our daily lives. Information and communication technology (ICT) has transformed our relationships, family and community lives, careers and education, freedom and democracy. Issues around ethics deal with concepts such as what is good or evil, the issues that are right or wrong and virtue or vices. Ethics or moral philosophy investigates concepts of good and evil behavior. Philosophers group ethical issues in three major areas. Metaethics, normative ethics and applied ethics. Metaethics analyzes the genesis of ethics. It questions where ethical values come from. Normative ethics deals with the tasks that regulate right and wrong conduct. It articulates good behavior and investigates consequences of our conduct towards others. Finally, applied ethics analyses cont roversial issues like animal rights, homosexuality and abortion. Ethics in computer science is in the broadest sense revolves around computing professionals and the decisions they make especially on professional and social front. Computer and information ethics investigates ethical and social effects of ICT. Ethical decisions that one makes revolves around the individuals personal code, code of conduct in the context of a work place and how exposed one is especially on the code of ethics. Computer ethics thus forms a branch of practical philosophy that explains the manner in which professionals in computing need to make decisions concerning their profession and social conduct (ACM Council Par. 5). Ethical issues identification and there definitions, has been for the longest time causing much trouble. There are various problems solving method used in issues related to computer ethics. The most common one follow a procedure, which begins with stating the ethical problems, followed by facts checking, and then a list of options generated by making con siderations concerning important factors that are in one way, or the other connected to the problem. The Association for computing machinery (ACM) and the members of IEEE has recognized the significance of technology in life quality impact worldwide. As an effect, they have taken into consideration to obligate their members and the committee as a whole to practice ethics and professional conducts as stipulated. The ACM code of ethics and professional conduct proposes a set of guidelines as a basis for making ethical decisions. The code serves as a foundation for judging the advantages of formal complains that concern the violation of professional standards of being ethical. ICT Contributes to society and human well-being. Communication not only improves the well-being of the society but human race as a whole. Each person has fundamental human rights protection that needs to consideration. In addition, there should be respect for all the diverse culture that we have. Computing professional should work towards reduction of negative consequences resulting from computing systems. These range from threats to health to negative social issues. During system design or implementation, computing professionals should ensure that their products are socially responsible and meets the required social standards. They should not result to any kind of harm to the health and welfare of individuals. Computer professionals should thus make decisions with the public welfare in mind and always disclose factors that might threaten the environment as a whole. They should also prevent harm at all costs. These should include prevention of negative impact, like loss of information, loss or damage of property as well as any undesired environmental. The computing professionals should take caution from taking part in any practice that will cause harm. These harmful practices are like; intentional destruction, file modifications, modification of programs that might lead to serious loss of useful resources thus causing unnecessary expenditure of other resources like time. On the other hand, there are practices that might accidentally lead to harm. In such a condition, the people responsible should undo or mitigate the side effect as much as they can. For the harm prevention, the computing professionals need to minimize malfunctions by following accepted standards for designing sand testing systems. Under the working environment, the professionals should report any danger on the system that might end up resulting to fatal or minor accident. If the organizations superiors do not take any action concerning the matter, it is much significant to blow the whistle for the problem correction. ` Reporting of violations can be much harmful in it self. Before making anyone can report on any matter, all necessary aspects of the matter need assessing thoroughly. The assessment of risks and the responsibility has to be credible. Trustworthiness and Honesty; the essential component of trust is honesty (IEEE Board of Directors, Par. 3). When an organization lacks hon esty, there is no effective functioning. Computing professionals should be honest, as they are not supposed to make any deliberate false or claims that are deceptive concerning system design or system as a whole. Nevertheless, they should provide full disclosure of all limitations and problems facing a particular of pertinent system. It is the responsibility of computer professionals to be honest about their qualifications. They should offer any condition that may lead to conflict of interest. In other terms, the professional have to be honesty and much realistic when stating claims based on the data they do have. Honesty helps them avoid perceived conflicts of interests whenever possible, as well as making them disclosed to those parties affected, they should also reject all forms of bribery. This will help in seeking, accepting and offering criticisms of technical work, making acknowledgements as well as crediting others contributions clearly. Stating correct qualifications will assist in the maintaining technical competence. Being a volunteer member in some of the organizations like ACM and IEEE can also cause more confusion especially if such an individual makes certain statements or acts in a certain way. Such statements or acts can have more weight than necessary. Members of ACM and IEEE therefore should exercise caution. This will ensure that they are not interpretated wrongly. Fair Actions and Decisions, Equity, tolerance, respect among other virtues and other principles that leads to equal justice. These values should govern the computing professionals. Sexual, racial, religion, age discrimination among other distinctions, is an open violation of ACM and IEEE policies. Inequalities among different groups of individuals might be because of misuse of technology and information. In a fair community, all individuals needs to be treated equally because all have equal chances of participating or benefiting from the computer resource usage, regardless of their dividing factors like age or sex. On the other hand, this principle does not approve the use of unauthorized computer resources nor do they allow enough foundation for the violation any other ethical principle of these codes. Property Rights as a Patents Need to be honored. Violation of patents, trade secrets, copyrights as well as agreed terms of license, should be prohibited. Even using the unprotected software is a violation that is against professional behaviors. Software copies should be created if and only if proper authorization procedure had been followed. Respect other persons privacy and confidentiality; communication and computing technology helps during collection and exchange of peoples information on a scale that is unprecedented in the civilization history. As effect, there are high chances that might lead to the violation of individual and groups privacy. The professional has been obligated to maintain privacy and data integrity that describes an individual. This involves taking precautions that ensures that data accuracy as well as its protection from unauthorized access, accidental disclosure to unintended people is minimized. In addition, procedures have to be installed to give room to individuals receive their records and make corrections appropriately. The principle imply that, only part of individuals information be collected in a system. Therefore, the retention and the periods of disposal for the information need to be defined and indicated clearly. Information that belongs to someone should not be used be used for other unstated purposes, without the owners consent. This should apply especially on electronic mail. Monitoring electronic data without permission from the owner of the massage is unacceptable. Information observed during system maintenance should be handled with a lot of confidentiality. If for any reason, the content or nature of that information has to be disclosed, the proper authorities should be provided with such information. The principle of honest is broad. It includes privacy and confidentiality of all information. This applies whenever an individual has made an explicit promise of honoring confidentiality. Finally, computer professionals should understand the needs of users of computer systems. Users should clearly spell out their needs to assist during assessment and when designing the systems. The systems also need validation in order to be sure that they meet the required standards. The needs of current and potential system user whose lives are affected directly must be incorporated when developing the systems. In order for these systems to be validated, they should comply with this requirement. Implementation of policies that protect the personal dignity and privacy of users should be enhanced. Information regarding principles and limitations of computer systems should be availed for users. Courses that enable them to familiarize with consequences and limitations of the systems should be developed. Education is essential in making the users participate and to making them aware of the dangers of the computing systems.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Computational Multibody Model Elbow Joint Health And Social Care Essay
Abstraction: Computational multibody mold can be used as a various tool to analyze joint mechanics, joint hurt, examine ligament map, and to foretell joint contact force per unit area. This paper describes a fresh method for the development and rating of a computational multibody theoretical account that represents human elbow flexion- extension associated with forearm pronation-supination. An expeditiously developed theoretical account can help sawboness and other research workers in the design and rating of interventions for cubitus hurts, and contribute to the improvement of patient attention. Therefore, it is really much necessary to analyze biomechanical technology to develop and formalize an effectual cubitus theoretical account for the optimum intervention of cubitus upsets prior to their application in patients. The computational theoretical account accurately predicted flexion-extension gesture bounds, and relationships between coronoid procedure remotion, flexure angle, and varus constraining forces. The theoretical account was besides able to calculate parametric quantities that the experimental probes could non, such as forces within ligaments and contact forces between castanetss [ 1 ] . Introduction: The cubitus articulation is the 2nd most normally dislocated joint in grownups [ 2 ] . Relative to hurts and upsets of the lower limb, there is relatively small grounds to direct intervention of many elbow hurts [ 3 ] . Computational theoretical accounts of the cubitus could profit our apprehension and intervention of upper appendage upsets. Multibody mold is an effectual and powerful tool in biomechanics. The multibody patterning attack has been used by research workers for patient-specific preoperative planning, computer-aided surgery, and computer-aided rehabilitation. Biomechanical computational theoretical accounts of the cubitus have been developed, but all limited their pertinence by presuming fixed joint axes of rotary motion, ordering specific kinematics, simplifying ligament features or disregarding gristle consequence [ 2, 4-6 ] . Therefore, the cardinal aim of this survey was to develop and formalize a multibody theoretical account of the cubitus articulatio n that includes representation of articular gristle and ligaments as non-linear viscoelastic springs. The topic specific theoretical account was validated by comparing predicted bone kinematics to mensurate gesture of the identically loaded corpse cubitus utilizing a bi-axial mechanical examiner. The overall end of the undertaking is to put capable specific articulation theoretical accounts within musculus driven musculoskeletal motion simulations of the upper-extremities. Methods and Materials: The experimental and multibody patterning methods were similar to that described by Stylianou et Al. [ 7 ] and Bloemker et al. [ 8 ] . One fresh frozen corpse cubitus ( 44 old ages old, female, left cubitus, 152cm tallness, 41 kg mass ) was used for this survey. The humerus caput was cemented with a cylinder that was attached by a flexible joint articulation to a Bose 3510 bi-axial mechanical examiner. The triceps musculuss sinews was sutured and tightly connected to a burden cell that was stiffly attached to the top cylinder of the testing machine. The elbow bone was besides fixed to a cup connected to the mechanical examiner via a cosmopolitan articulation ( Fig 1 ) .The radius was free to revolve. For each simulation kinematics of the humerus and ulna were obtained utilizing stiff organic structure markers and a 3-camera Optotrak Certus system ( Northern Digital, Inc. , Waterloo, ON, Canada ) and the forces on triceps sinews were recorded by a burden cell ( Model SBO-100, Temecula, CA 92590 ) . The initial place and orientation of cadaverous bone geometries relative to the dynamic simulator were recorded utilizing a examining tip with the Optotrak system. After proving, the cubitus was dis-articulated and the median collateral ligament ( MCL ) , sidelong collateral ligament ( LCL ) , triceps insertion/origin sites were measured with an Optotrak digitizing investigation.3omega ten Y Load Cell Ired Localizer21C: UsersmmrhwbDesktoppictureElbow # 2 # 3 proving images & A ; videos100_0183.jpg C: UsersmmrhwbDesktopReportpictureabs_model_pic.jpgFig 1: Experimental Setup Fig 2: Model ApparatusComputed Tomography ( CT ) scan images of the cubitus castanetss and localizers were taken to do 3D bone geometries. The plan 3D Slicer ( www.slicer.org ) was used to make the bone and localizer geometries from the CT images by utilizing car cleavage. Geomagic Studio ( Geomagic, Inc. Research Triangle Park, NC ) was used for file transition and post-process filtering of the cubitus geometries including smoothing, taking spikes, and cut downing noise. The bone geometries and ligament insertion/origin points were aligned in MSC.ADAMS ( MSC Software Corporation, Santa Ana, CA ) by utilizing the initial place points and point clouds of each bone ( Fig 2 ) . The ligaments and musculus sinews were modeled as nonlinear springs utilizing a piecewise map depicting the force-length relationship for each p ackage [ 9 ] . A subprogram was written in ADAMS to depict this relationship. This subprogram was derived from the ligament force as a map of strain, the length of each ligament in the place it was constructed, the measured zero-load length and the ligament stiffness. The zero-load length of each package was determined by ciphering the maximal straight-line distance between interpolation and beginning sites throughout the by experimentation measured full scope of gesture and so using a rectification per centum of 80 % [ 8 ] . The gristles geometries were modeled as stiff organic structures of 0.5 millimeters unvarying thickness by squeeze outing cartilage country of bone surface by utilizing Geomagic shell map. Soft contacts were applied between gristle geometries utilizing a contact map in MSC.ADAMS that allows for interpenetration of the geometries to imitate soft tissue [ 7 ] . Consequence: The theoretical account is validated by comparing the kinematics and RMS mistake of each bone and triceps tendon force obtained from the theoretical account versus the experimental information. The comparing of kinematics graphs demonstrates that the theoretical account replicates the experiment.AA Degree centigrade: UsersmmrhwbDesktopReportpicture3_y_abs.jpgCCalciferol FoC: UsersmmrhwbDesktopReportpicture6_y.jpgFigure 3: Comparison of Movement in y-direction of Humerus ( A ) , Ulna ( B ) and Radius ( C ) . Motion informations are taken from Marker 1, 2 & A ; 3 shown in Figure 2.Degree centigrades: UsersmmrhwbDesktopReportpicture ricep_force.jpgC: UsersmmrhwbDesktopReportpicture7_y_abs.jpgFigure 4: Comparison of triceps tendon forceBMarker No.Marker 1 ( millimeter )Marker 2 ( millimeter )Marker 3 ( millimeter )Tricep sinew force ( N )RMS mistaketen 2.40 ten 5.90 ten 10.0 6.5 Y 1.96 Y 2.54 Y 6.20 omega 1.27 omega 4.80 omega 9.37Table 1: RMS Mistake in x, y & A ; z way for marker 1,2 & A ; 3 and tricep sinewDiscussion: The chief purpose of this survey was to make and formalize a topic specific computational multibody theoretical account of the elbow articulation composite to foretell joint behaviour. Model cogency was successfully demonstrated through comparings of fake kinematics and triceps tendon tenseness informations obtained from cadaver experiment. The chief advantages of this theoretical account are the ability to foretell ligament and contact forces which are really hard to capture by experimentation [ 1 ] . Future work includes utilizing non-uniform distinct gristle, adding more ligament packages, annulate ligaments, and patterning soft tissue wrapper. The developed techniques will so be used for capable specific musculoskeletal motion simulations of the upper-extremity that include anatomical theoretical accounts of the cubitus. Recognitions: This research is funded by the School of Medicine, University of Missouri-Kansas City. Mentions: [ 1 ] J. P. Fisk and J. S. Wayne, ââ¬Å" Development and Validation of a Computational Musculoskeletal Model of the Elbow and Forearm â⬠, Ann. Biomed. Eng. , Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 803-812, April 2009, [ 2 ] J. de Haan, N.W.L. Schep, D. Eygendaal, G-J. Kleinrensink, W.E. Tuinebreijer and D. den Hartog ââ¬Å" Stability of the Elbow Joint: Relevant Anatomy and Clinical Implications of In Vitro Biomechanical Studies â⬠The Open Orthop. J. Vol.5, pp.168-176, May 2011. [ 3 ] L. M. Ferreira, J. A. Johnson, Graham J.W. King, ââ¬Å" Development of an active cubitus gesture simulator to measure kinematics with the humerus in the multiple places â⬠, J Biomech. Vol. 43, No.11, pp. 2112-2119, August 2010 [ 4 ] F.C. Anderson, M.G. Pandy. ââ¬Å" Dynamic optimisation of human walking â⬠. J. Biomech Eng. Vol.123, No.5, pp.381-390, October 2001. [ 5 ] . A.S. Arnold, S.L. Delp. ââ¬Å" Rotational minute weaponries of the median hamstrings and adductors vary with femoral geometry and limb place: deductions for the intervention of internally rotated pace â⬠, J. Biomech, Vol. 34, No.4, pp.437-447, April 2001. [ 6 ] . T.M. Barker, C. Kirtley, J. Ratanapinunchai, ââ¬Å" Calculation of multi-segment stiff organic structure joint kineticss utilizing MATLAB â⬠, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. [ H ] , Vol.211, No.6, pp.483-487, 1997. [ 7 ] A. P. Stylianou, T. M. Guess, J. L. Cook, ââ¬Å" Development and proof of a multi-body theoretical account of the eyetooth knee articulation â⬠, Comp. Meth. Biomech. Biomed. Eng. , DOI: 10.1080/10225842.2012.684243, pp. 1-8, May 2012. [ 8 ] K. H. Bloemker, T. M. Guess, L. Maletsky, K. Dodd, â⬠Computational Knee Ligament Modeling Using Experimentally Determined Zero-Load Lengths â⬠, The Open Biomed. Eng. , Vol.6, pp.33-41, April 2012 [ 9 ] G. Li, J. Gil, A. Kanamori, S. L. Woo. ââ¬Å" A validated 3-dimensional computational theoretical account of a human articulatio genus articulation â⬠, J. Biomech. Eng. Vol.121, No.6, pp.657-662, December 1999
Friday, January 10, 2020
Role Of Effective Communication and Interpersonal Reaction
Effective communication is a big part of the various skills that are required by personnel within a health and social care setting and it is mainly to ensure that they are effective at meeting the needs of the numerous people who use the services that they help to provide. In order for them to develop effective communication skills, they will need to be aware of the use of communication theories. A wide range of communication theories are available in order to give support towards effective communication between personnel and the service users.Argyle is one of the theorists who studied the topic of effective communication within this particular setting. He produced theories on human communication and also interpersonal interaction. He looked at various aspects of verbal and nonverbal communication and was able to produce a communication cycle with his findings. The stages of Argyleââ¬â¢s communication cycle are as follows; an idea will occur and a message will in turn be coded, th is message will then be sent and received the message will then be decoded and understood by the receiver.The first stage is when we think about what exactly it is that we what to say and who we are going to say it too. Stage number two is when we plan on saying it. Stage Three is message received and occurs when a person hears what you have said. Stage number four is then decoding the received message. The fifth stage is when the message is fully understood by the receiver and when they are actually able to understand what you have been saying to them. As well as Argyle being quite an important figure with these studies, there was also another man who contributes just as much. He is known as Tuckman.Again, like Argyle, Tuckman's theory is carried out and defined with the use of numerous stages but also looks at the groups aspect of effective communication. Stage number one is known as Forming: This is an important stage of the theory as this is when the group members begin to learn more about each other becoming more friendly and comfortable within the group as a whole. The reason it would be seen as a rather important stage is because while people donââ¬â¢t necessarily know each other they will tend to behave more independently and not engage with the group setting that has been assigned to them.Step number two is referred to as Storming: Storming is required for the group to enable it to grow as a single unit and not as people working on their own behalf. Tuckman discovered that not all group will make past this stage and so it separates the strong from the weak. By the stage it is hoped that groups will have allocated a leader. Step number three is Norming: This is the stage that the group agree on the rules that they will follow together and the group will begin to gain a higher degree of trust with one another.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Self Concept Is Our Self Identity Essay - 1743 Words
Self-concept is our self-identity, and is the way that one perceives itself, it includes both attitudes and the collection of beliefs. Self-Concept also branches out into self-image and self-esteem. Self-image, is the way the person pictures itself. The self-esteem is the way we evaluate ourselves. We identify ourselves by our communication, and our interactions with others. In other words ââ¬Å"I think, therefore I amâ⬠(Renà © Descartes; ââ¬Å"ego cogito, ergo sumâ⬠) If a person was to tell another person what they think they look like, odds are that that person may view himself as what the other person thinks/views him as. It could either raise or lower the self-esteem of the person, it could also enhance the way we view ourselves, depending on the type of people the person associates, communicates and experience interactions with them. If a person associates himself or herself with educated people, he or she will most likely feel respected. If he or she associates wi th people of less morals, odds are that that person may just have a lower self-esteem and self-image compared to the person that hangs around overall good people. It is believed that developing a self-concept is essential to perform well in the work place. A work place involves a constant interaction between its workers and environment, communication. Believe it or not communication and self-esteem are related, we perceive ourselves based on our own experiences and communication with others. The people one is surrounded byShow MoreRelatedPerspectives On The Development Of Young Children1614 Words à |à 7 PagesList 8: 1. Perspective Taking (p.338): This concept has to do with understanding how another person thinks and feels. This is important in the development of young children because it determines whether they have prosocial or antisocial mindsets. This type of understanding would not be possible without the executive functions of the brain. 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